Just hours to go guys! (Like you don’t know…sorry…)
I’ll keep this simple and not link to supporting evidence – but, as with my last on Leaving Cert tips, know that I have it if you’re interested:)
1: Read the question : you’ll know you understand the question if you can rephrase it in your head or in writing. Do this too though – doesn’t take long.
2: Underline key words.
3: Draw out a plan for your answer – scribble any names, dates, formulae you’ll need immediately.
4: Think of the invigilator as a helper, not a disciplinarian. Their job is to assist you in doing your best.
(Here’s a little half-way-through-the-article light comic relief – love these guys!!)
5: Think of the person assessing your paper as trying to help you get the best marks, not take them away from you. These people want you to do well. Help them to help you by being clear and simple.
6: Avoid the temptation to discuss the gory details of each paper afterwards, especially with the ones mentioned in that last piece.
7: Eat in between exams. Even if you’re nervous and feel a little – eating will help.

8: If you feel a panic coming on try this:
Squeeze every muscle in your body including your face all the way to your toes.
Hold tight for 3 seconds, and then flop eveything.
Place a hand on your tummy and take a deep breathe into it, past your chest, so your hand moves. Keep your shoulders low. Breathe until your breath has slowed to a speed in the gif below
Then do the squeeze again, hold for three, and flop.
This will help calm you down so that you can carry on. Don’t worry about other people seeing you do it. Firstly it’s discreet, secondly, they won’t be looking at you, you are the last thing on classmates’ minds right now, and that’s normal!
9: Reread all your answers and make any changes or additions necessary.
10: Check that you have answered as many Qs as required in each section.
When you’re done, pat yourself on the back knowing that you’ve just done one of the most difficult things in your life and that you’ve done your best.
That’s good enough!! (Yes it is!)
Good luck to you all – I wish you the very best that life has to offer – and that’s loads!!