Good evening all. I’m guessing many of you, like I, have just watched Leo Varadker’s address to the country. It is indeed a challenging time.
And what I take from it is we are to do our best to adhere to the guidelines as they still stand.
- Hand Hygiene
- Social distancing (not isolation)
- No large gatherings
- No contact at ALL if symptomatic
One clear message is that we need to mind our mental health as well as our physical health. We need to not panic, not be prey to fear which, as he also said, is like a virus itself.

There will be measures put in place for financial support and services will remain in place, including mine.
So for now, nothing has changed since my last announcement. I, along with all healthy colleagues of mine, will continue to work. I am confident in my premises’ hygiene, and there are no other people using my office. Any clients of mine will not be in close proximity to me, or anyone else. And thankfully, I am well, and not in a high risk group.
If you are a client of mine, I am happy to work online or by phone with you for now if you’d prefer. Equally I am happy to see you in person. There are many options available to us. I know it’s not the same, but different isn’t always bad. I myself attended video supervision last week and 5 minutes in I didn’t notice the difference anymore! So feel free to ask and we can give it a go.
Be safe. Adhere to the current guidelines and as I said before, nothing more is necessary for now.
Please, use ONLY HSE, or WHO as COVID information sources and limit your exposure to social media. We’ll get through this, you’ll see.
Good night all. Codladh sámh.
PS Maybe go offline now, give your heads some peace.