I usually avoid writing when I’m on leave but y’know sometimes you see something and you get the rages, and as a colleague said to me yesterday as we raged to each other – sometimes right is just right. And so you respond.

I usually avoid writing when I’m on leave but y’know sometimes you see something and you get the rages, and as a colleague said to me yesterday as we raged to each other – sometimes right is just right. And so you respond.
My mother used to love brushing my hair. I remember my first hairbrush too – it was white, shell shaped and had gentle ridges in it. The bristles were soft and white. I can still remember the feel of it in my little hand as I sat in my pram in the garden, going back and forth over the bristles, watching the steps up to the house. Watching for her probably.
Continue reading“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea — whether it is to sail or to watch it — we are going back from whence we came.”
– John F. Kennedy
There’s something about the ocean isn’t there?
Continue readingSometimes a parent mails me with a query about their anxious child.
Last week I received such a query. Her particular issue is such a common one at the moment (ungrateful nod to COVID!) that I asked permission to publish both her question and my response. There can be so much isolation, pressure and even shame around parenting that it can come as an enormous relief to find that another parent shares your experiences!
And of course these difficult feelings are exacerbated hugely in lockdown.
Continue readingIs your teen on a waiting list with a psychologist, therapist, counsellor or CAMHS? This might interest you.
I’m increasingly aware that there are many teens on therapy waiting lists, and that these lists are getting longer and longer…
Continue reading(Gently but firmly …)
I saw a list of 8 bullet points on a meme last week on social media – Twitter if memory serves – and I saved it. Today I trawled my way through various rabbit holes in Google to find the original author and cannot, so I can’t credit appropriately, which always irks…
But I’m sharing them anyway! Because they’re good. I’ve added to them here and I think they’ll speak to many, as they did to me.
SO – without further ado:
Continue readingWishing you all a very Happy New Year!
F I N A L L Y … Can’t be much worse than the last!!
I’m left with a feeling of awe actually – at how we’ve managed to pull together and survive this, most of us. I’m sorry for those who have suffered loss – whatever form that loss took, and will continue to take.
So much loss…
Continue readingHe was “just” an otter. But when Ollie started dining regularly in Youghal we were all excited and more than a little flattered. There’s something about an animal’s visit isn’t there? A sense of trust, an unspoken bond between living creatures that somehow crosses boundaries set by species, genes, chromosomes…
And what a cutie he was…
Did he think we were cute I wonder? He probably thought we were ridiculous with our clothes and cars and lack of fur…
I saw this post on a friend’s feed. It’s grim stuff. Got me all annoyed and rolling my eyes.
And then I watched it a second time with my husband and it felt even worse.
Continue reading