COVID19 Update

Sunrise at Garryvoe

Good evening all. I’m guessing many of you, like I, have just watched Leo Varadker’s address to the country. It is indeed a challenging time.
And what I take from it is we are to do our best to adhere to the guidelines as they still stand.

  • Hand Hygiene
  • Social distancing (not isolation)
  • No large gatherings
  • No contact at ALL if symptomatic
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What is the difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy?


I am aware that the words ‘Counselling’ and ‘Psychotherapy’ are often used interchangeably, particularly by clients and members of the general public. However, with the huge increase in training courses and the growing (and very much welcomed) normalisation of counselling and psychotherapy, the definitions of and distinctions between these two professions are becoming clearer.

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Returning to full-time practice


This was published when I decided to resign from Barnardos and return to full time private practice as Counselling Psychologist and Psychotherapist in East Cork and Youghal.

The Dungarvan Observer is delighted to announce that Sally O’Reilly is returning her successful Private Practice to 5 full days a week. Furthermore, she is now taking referrals for children and families.

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Tips on self care coming up to Christmas – Tip Four:

Watch the spending! When the buzz feeling is gone in January do you want to left with debt feeling? This is a choice – your choice. People don’t expect you to spend as much as YOU expect you to spend.

Tips on self care coming up to Christmas – Tip Three:


Take a minute right NOW to do NOTHING: take 3 slow, deep, to your tummy breathes, feel the chair under you, the ground under your feet, hear the sounds around you, feel the clothes on your skin, be aware of what smells are around you.

Listen to your inner dialogue: how much pressure have you put yourself under? How many rules and demands have you made of yourself for Christmas? Would you make these same demands of your best friend??Write down what you expect of yourself, then cross off the unreasonable and unnecessary items, the ‘shoulds’, and marvel at how few are left:)

Remember to breathe during today – just remind yourself, and you’ll soothe yourself nicely.

Region is to get its first Counselling Psychologist

Sally O'Reilly

Well here’s a blast from the past! Routing through my old (OOOLLLD) posts I found this piece by Colette Keane in the Examiner entitled: Region is to get its first Counselling Psychologist (and that was me  –  nearly twenty years ago!! #eek)

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