Parenting an exam student?


It’s that time of year when the exams are suddenly here and the stress levels are on the rise

Every June my subconscious does this fabulous fun thing – the annual Leaving Cert dream.  If I’m really lucky it’ll be really specific – like Irish paper 1 – or an accountancy paper full of Question 1s – either way it morphs pretty smartly into a nightmare.

Thanks, Brain.

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When Leaving Cert results are disappointing


So the results are out!

For many, I hope, today brings a sense of relief, achievement and celebration.


But for some there is mild to utterly devastating disappointment.

[bctt tweet=”For some, the LC results bring a sense of relief, achievement & celebration. Yay! But for others there is mild or utterly devastating disappointment. How to cope:

#leavingcert19 #parenting ” username=”psychosal” prompt=”share with another LC student or parent”]


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Managing “post-exam stress” – it’s a real thing!


Well, that flew didn’t it??!

So, the exams are over and you’re thinking “Yay! Stress? Nah – done, distant memory, ‘be grand now!”

And it is done for some, but for others a new and unexpected stress has already kicked in. It’s a little trickier than pre-exam stress, because the people around you might assume all students are now the embodiment of Zen and relaxation, because technically the exams are over.

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Parenting a Leaving Cert Student?


Ahhh the stress… Poor things.

And so I wrote this piece for FamilyFriendly parenting website – click to read it. But FIRST I’d like to say this:

Stress is not only normal, but essential, despite our modern distaste for uncomfortable emotions. Good #Mentalhealth is not the absence of #stress, it is the better management of stress.

We cannot eradicate or sanitise exam stress for our children – nor should we. It’s a part of life, much as we hate to bear witness to it!

And in case you missed it I posted this piece for students themselves a couple of weeks ago – a teen in your life might find it helpful!

Stressed out Student

Watch this space for more in the lead up and aftermath of the state exams.

Good luck to all!!

#parenting #leavingcert2019 #managingstress #resilience#tipsforstress #coping #wemustntraisecottonwoolkids

What’s worrying teenagers? (In their own words)


This is Suicide Prevention Month 2015, indeed as I type this it’s World Suicide Prevention Day. Twitter is alive with useful information and resources, talks and seminars are taking place all over the world – and it’s great. And for me, every day should be suicide prevention day.

I listened to Dr Harry Barry speak today about how to reach our young people before they consider suicide. It was great to hear someone echo my thoughts, and those of my fellow professionals. Prevention is key.

Bottom line: we need to “get to” children before they start down the road of hopelessness.

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