Should I Allow my Child to Drink on Junior Cert Results Night?


It’s a question that’s bothering parents all over Ireland today. Probably even more so this year as it falls on a Friday. Kids are coming home from school asking if they can go out, can they drink, can they drink at home? C’mon just the one?? You’re so boring… Everyone else has cooler parents… Can they have their friends over for a couple of cans – nothing too heavy, no spirits in fairness…

In fairness…

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Are we going on the lash today lads?

Begorrah and Top o’the Morning etc – ’tis Paddy’s Day! (Sincerest apologies to those who hate calling it that and hate those phrases….)

Whatever you call it, it’s here – Woohoo!!!

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The Twelve Pubs – had enough yet?


I’ve been meaning to have a wee rant re the whole “Twelve Pubs” thing.

I know many young (and not so young) people who are about to go on this new-and-not-so-noble tradition of mass alcohol poisoning with a view to consuming at least one unit of alcohol per pub (X12) in a few short hours.

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Arthur’s Day: it’s time for us to look at our alcohol problem folks!

Arthur's Day 2013

As the evening draws in I find myself wondering what’s happening on the streets of Ireland this evening. How many people are starting to feel dizzy and sick from drink, feeling they should stop but not wanting to appear as “lightweights”.  How many fights have started, how many unwise decisions have been made, how many people are fumbling frustratedly in their pockets, wondering where all their money has gone (already ?!!? and on pay day?!!..). How are the bar staff coping, the health care workers, the guards, the families?

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The Root of Violent Behaviour


While listening to Neil Prendeville on 96FM, I caught part of a discussion on the rate of violence on Cork’s streets. There is a general need to assign blame for escalating violence. Scapegoats ranged from “drink and drugs” to “nightclubs”.

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