Are childfree couples happier than parents?


Sharon Ní Choncúir, freelance journalist with the Irish Examiner was interested by a large research piece done by Open University that suggests that childfree couples are happier than parents. We talk about why that might be. 

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Why do we lie about our age?


SO, Jay-Z lied about his age – why does he care and why do we love that he cares?

This was a piece for which Chrissie Russell, freelance journalist with the Irish Independent interviewed me. She was interested in the revelation that Jay-Z lied about his age and more importantly – why anyone cares! 

Read on the full text of our conversation

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Why are women judged more harshly than men?

Joss whedon

This article came about soon after two young girls were arrested having allegedly been found in possession of €1.7 worth of cocaine. The internet was rife with speculation and Chrissie Russell’s question to me was about women in the spotlight: do we judge women as responding “inappropriately” more readily than we judge men ? Continue reading

Why are women judged for not having children?

Not having kids is...

Here is the full text of the conversation with freelance journalist Chrissie Russell that led to her article “Childless and Happy? You’d better believe it…”

She was interested in looking at how we judge women who choose not to have children, and why.

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“Selfies, more than just self portraits?”


What’s the deal with selfies? More often than not, selfies are taken and posted online by young girls and women, and worryingly, these young girls and women are in increasingly submissive and/or sexualised poses.

Thank you porn.

Here is a conversation I had with Chrissie Russell, a freelance journalist around this topic. The resulting published online newspaper article is here. Continue reading

Childless & happy? You better believe it. . .

Childless and happy

 I was interviewed for this piece by Chrissie Russell, a journalist who is interested in the assumptions made around gender, in particular, the assumption that women will want to, and will go on to have children. It was an interesting one to do, and I’ll make the full text of my answers to her available in the future. For now – here’s the version that was printed in the Irish Independent:





Dear Media – what’s to be: pro or anti women??

Irish sex industry

This was my response several years ago in the Irish Examiner who, not for the first time in my experience, appear to be confused as to which cause they are championing: The promotion and protection of women’s rights, or the war on womens’ self esteem via media driven unrealistic body image and portrayal. As a psychotherapist I witness daily the results of poor body image and low self esteem: self loathing, disordered eating, depressed feelings, social withdrawal.. I could go on.

These ‘symptoms’ are also presented by the sex industry workers with whom I have had contact. 


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Sex Offence Sentencing

Letter to the Times July 2012


The lenience with which sexual predators and rapists are treated by Irish judges always astounds me. The most recent was this week, in July 2012, where a six year sentence was handed down with five and a half years inexplicably suspended by Judge Hogan. There are more judgements to see here. I find this offensive, and I know that this system of ‘justice’ is precisely what has, and what will continue to deter women from reporting crimes against them. Continue reading

Women are still enslaved, only the “how” has changed.


This was published in the Irish Times and Irish Examiner and is my response to a discussion I heard on Today FM about a ‘glamour model’. This interview coincided with newly published figures on sexual assault in Ireland and I address the probable link between the glamour culture and objectification of women. Continue reading