Helping to nurture your teenage daughter’s body image


Do  you suck your tummy in when you think other people are looking at you?

Every day, women (and men) are bombarded by messages on the TV, radio, print media including the internet telling us (and selling us) on how to change how we look. Unless you actually live under an actual rock you are bombarded by change-your-body messages maybe twenty, thirty times a day (?!!). All designed to sell you something. All disguised as “help”.


(That’s an ad for yogurt… ahem and erm…)

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Ways to nurture your child’s self esteem.

Awesome Shaped

Yesterday I wrote about my depressing experience in a gym changing room where a little girl sucked in her tummy when she noticed me looking at (admiring) her.

Today, I’ve decided to suggest things we can collectively challenge in our society, things that hurt us and our children. I’m a big believer in taking action!

Here’s a little taster of where I’m going with this one:


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The problem with threesomes


This is my response to the criticism of the threesome page by Michelle Mulherin.


I would like to offer my opinion on today’s publicity around’s section on Threesomes on their website.

I am in fact a huge fan of the website, and as a sex educator with teens myself feel an alliance with people who are willing to offer fact based sex education in a country where we are still utterly lacking in good quality sex education for second level students.

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Rape Sentencing


Part of my job as a Counselling Psychologist and psychotherapist is to provide sex education to groups of teenagers. This morning, during a discussion of yesterday’s Irish Examiner story looking at the effects of teen exposure to pornography, I was asked by a 16 year old male student to explain the different kinds of rape.

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Our Attitude to Women – have we made any progress?


I wrote this in The Irish Times in response to figures published 15 years ago (!! ) on rape in Ireland.  I work with women and children who have been raped and sexually assaulted –  it is something about which I feel very strongly. And as I read it today, the week of the Tuam babies revelations, International Women’s Day 2017, I find myself wondering if anything has really changed?

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