Making women feel bad about themselves is a lucrative business


I wrote this over 15 years ago in response to a set of new advertisements on TV  that in my opinion promote and normalize  “age-related” cosmetic surgery for women. Both the Irish Examiner and The Irish Times published this.

I am a counselling psychologist working in private practice in Cork city and county. Last week a teenage client told me she was very upset because she could see ‘expression lines’ on her face.

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Our Attitude to Women – have we made any progress?


I wrote this in The Irish Times in response to figures published 15 years ago (!! ) on rape in Ireland.  I work with women and children who have been raped and sexually assaulted –  it is something about which I feel very strongly. And as I read it today, the week of the Tuam babies revelations, International Women’s Day 2017, I find myself wondering if anything has really changed?

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