Christmas Sanity part 2: When Hell is other people

Christmas Stress

So here’s part two of guide to staying sane for the holidays (part one here)

The social part of Christmas is fun.


It’s when we get to connect with old friends, family, maybe make new friends. It can be an incredibly nurturing time and full of genuine care and love. There’s nearly always an accompanying pressure though isn’t there? Like, how can I get to meet everyone? How do I choose who to meet? where to meet them? How do I tolerate the people I find difficult? How do I cope when I have to spend time with a person (or people) I usually avoid?

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Is technology destroying our relationships?


Sharon Ní Conchuir, a freelance journalist, contacted me with some interesting questions about the impact of technology on our relationships.  It was interesting for me to revisit this subject with a different interviewer and offer some more tips on how we can better manage our online lives.

Q: What exactly is the lure of the internet and the various ways of communicating online? What is it that proves so seductive to people?

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Ways to nurture your child’s self esteem.

Awesome Shaped

Yesterday I wrote about my depressing experience in a gym changing room where a little girl sucked in her tummy when she noticed me looking at (admiring) her.

Today, I’ve decided to suggest things we can collectively challenge in our society, things that hurt us and our children. I’m a big believer in taking action!

Here’s a little taster of where I’m going with this one:


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Kim and Kanye are in Ireland!! (And why we give a &^%*…)

Kim and Kanye

We have a lovely little castle with proper history that has been nicely converted into a 5 star hotel and in fairness, many celebrities have indeed stayed there. Disappointingly I missed, by mere minutes, an afternoon with a very sociable Bruce Springsteen last summer. And so when it became clear that the newlyweds, “Kimye”, (we can nickname them now ‘cos they’re practically locals) flew into Cork airport, Castlemartyr was the obvious choice destination. So we all went mad looking to confirm that we were hosting new sparkly guests, albeit briefly. It was most entertaining!

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Today’s figures on Cyberbullying in Ireland


Grim figures released today by the NAPD (National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals) show an increase in over 30% in cyberbullying.


Grim figures released today by the NAPD (National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals) show an increase in over 30% in cyberbullying in a survey of Irish second level students.

Figures also show an increase of 5% in students admitting to bullying bringing the new figure to 9%. This is big news, with most papers reporting the figures and talk shows discussing the meanings of these findings in the lead up March’s bullying awareness month.

There are some basic things we can all do to combat bullying and if you are a parent reading this I encourage you to share this information with your son/daughter. If you are being bullied please, take note of these tips and report your experience to someone you trust.

Here are two particularly good sites that have dedicated space to cyber bullying: Do Something and Spunout , and I’ve also made a list of my own quick tips – I hope you find it helpful. You may also be interested in the  #DeleteCyberbullying campaign. Their Twitter page is here:


This is serious business. Be mindful of what students are being exposed to. Educate yourself and protect yourself and them.



Happy New Year 2014!

New Year Resolutions

Far too many of us devise a long list of resolutions every New Year’s Eve. Many of them are good ideas, really good ones. Like quitting cigerettes, drinking less, eating more healthily, saving money, giving more time to study/ family/ friends, cutting down on road rage … Then you have a bad day, a stressful one. You allow yourself to indulge in just one smoke (sure what harm can ONE do??!), or a giant lump of salty saturated fat, a little tantrum…. then enter your three familiar companions: judgement, guilt and the feeling of failure…Well, you get the idea, you’ve been there no doubt!

So this year, I respectfully suggest we all keep it simple. So I’ll keep this short:

Picking realistic goals makes success more likely, and we feel good when we succeed. (Not rocket science, I know, and that’s what I like about it!).

Allow for mistakes, because changing a behaviour takes time, effort, and slip-ups. This is normal and OK. Guilt is unhelpful and unnecessary.

Accessing support is helpful too – changing a behaviour or starting a new one is a lot easier when we have company. Again, it’s not rocket science. So start thinking about who you know that may have similiar goals (or established expertise) or someone who is simply supportive of your desire to change. If you don’t know anyone in real life who shares your goals, you might find an online community, group or individual.

And bottom line, if you resolve to be kinder to yourself, then all else will fall into place more easily.

Happy New Year to you all!



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